Preguntas?/Gallery Tour

Well, I am almost there guys. My next post will be my 100th. Seems like it took me forever. I guess it doesn't help when I do double/triple posts in one. lol Anyway, I am going to take people's questions and answer them in my next post. So go ahead and post any questions that you have for me here and my next post will answer them, as long as they are in good taste. lol Well, maybe some of those too.

Gallery Tour I also attended another gallery tour in Chelsea and this one was not as exciting until we got to the end. My favorites were, coincidentally, African and African-American.

This African artist used the metal from around liquor bottles and made these pieces. You can see the scale of them by the people standing next to them. There were three huge rooms foold of these pieces. Each one started at $250,000 and the gallery sold out in less than two hours after opening. Viva Africano.

The African-American artist used those posters that you see all around town promoting everyting from movies to new CD's. He would rip some of them down and then past them in this 2D 1/2 pieces. They actually look like maps from a distance but are nothing other than paper that made look that way.

Here are some of the other pieces. Some of these are videos, if blogger will act right for me today.

This has me feeling a bit .. orgasmic!!! / For My Football Fans

For My Football Fans

Scents/My Weekend/ The Future?!?

I hope that this doesn't sound weird to most of you but I just had to blog about it. Have you ever paid attention to a person's personal scent? I don't mean their funk but just the natural smell of a person. For some reason, I am very keen on picking the scent up of those who are close to me. It has done everything from giving me a loving and warm feeling all the way to where it just excites me almost to orgasm. I still can't smell Halston to this day without ... well, let's just say my first voluntary experience with a man was a guy who wore Halston.

Of course, each one of my family members smell is like plastered in my head even though we are miles apart. After my mom passed, I took parts of her clothing which had her scent on it and brought it home with me and placed it in this cabinet that is very air tight. Every now and again, I pull it out and smell it, reminisce, and cry a little. Well, my old roommate is moving out and while cleaning, I decided to take a moment to smell the cloth. That's when I realized how faint her smell is on the cloth and took me a while to catch it. My heart felt as if it was going to explode. I know that it will eventually lose its smell and am actually surprised that it has lasted this long but it still hurts.

This Weekend
On a lighter note, I love my Christmas gift to myself which is this Sony Cybershot camera. I have a higher end camera that works great but is not small enough for just a night on the town and/or carrying for those spontaneous shots. Anyway, here are more vids/pic, these are from this past weekend.
Here is the birthday girl (the one with the Coronna in her hand). She is almost 70 years old guys.

Here is Guadalupe representing for the big gurls. I love she. lol

The Future Is Now!?!
As some of you already know, NYC is instituting new pay public toilets. That's right, you have to pay to pee. No more pee for free. I thought this pic in the NY Times is hilarious. These people are so proud of themselves.

Creative Challenge/Dating Disasters

Creative Challenge
The next creative challenge will focus on your resolutions/goals for 2008. Remember, your submissions can be anything from photos to songs to graphics. As longs as it ties into your idea for the theme.

Theme: Resolutions/Goals for 2008
Due: 2/1/08

Dating Disasters

Let me start off by saying that this is not a sad post. As some of you will testify, dating as a gay/bi/transgendered/transfigured (lol) etc makes for some horrible dating situations. Everything from people who still aren't comfortable with their sexuality having you jump out of windows from the fourth floor, naked to avoid being seen by their friends and neighbors. To those who are very comfortable with their sexuality having you jump out of windows from the fourth floor, naked to avoid their lover that they neglected to tell you about.

Well, I have been talking with a straight co-worker of mine who has been telling me about her life and dating. After listening to her for a while, I realized that breeders have their own issues and dating. Now, I have to admit, some of this was funny to me, actually both of us. She told me about this internet date where they were to meet for coffee. She was standing outside and saw the guy pull in. He pulled up to the curb and looked at her and drove right back out of the strip mall. The shade is that before she could get home, he had blocked her on the site. She then began telling me about how one guy had the nerve to tell her that she needed to do something about a little fat that is on her belly. Trust you me, she is by no means humongous. The shade is that the guy was under 5' 8" and was over 230 lbs and balding.

I began thinking about my worst date. I instantly knew that it was when I had met this guy back in Indiana when I was 19 years old. He lived out of town and invited me up. I wasn't going alone so I brought my half-brother (yes he was gay too) who was set up on a date by my date. We get there and it was ok until we got back to his place. My brother and I were thinking we were alone as double dates there until we heard noise upstairs. It was mine and and my brother's date sons upstairs playing together. Mind you we were just making out downstairs (not sex but close).
Then we go into the kitchen when I hear someone coming up from the garage. It was my date's wife. Oh yes, and she knew me by face, name and said that she knew I was here because my car was parked out front. That's right, that was my first time seeing or even knowing anything about her and she knew all of that about me. U-N-C-O-M-F-O-R-T-A-B-L-E!!!

So sound off, what was your worst dating disaster.

For those who like the original version of the song, here you go

Creative Challenge Submissions

Here are the submissions for the holidays creative challenge. Daniel (Fuzzy) submitted:

My submissions are (including my holiday card) :
