I'm Back..... Again

Well after yet another break, I'm back. I have been very busy with my new job, trying to get everything ready for the tradeshows and the new website. It has been crazy. On top of that, I have been having problems with my leg from my broken ankle incident.

For those who do not know, my ankle was broken in January 2006 as a result of domestic violence from one of my exs. I had a remarkable recovery and even from the incident, I felt no pain. I healed faster than many of the doctors expected and was walking when they thought I would just be coming out of stitches. So I have been blessed in that regard. However, about a month ago I noticed that I had some pain and unusual swelling. By the end of the day I was nauseated. Went in through the ER and found out that I had an infection. They kept me for a few days and sent me home on antibiotics.

About three weeks later, it happens again. Not as severe with pain but turned colors and swollen. So my doctor took out the hardware (screws and plates) that was placed in my leg with the initial operation. They said that my body started rejecting it. This is very unusual that it took over a year for my body to start rejecting it. But removing the hardware would fix the problem. After a few more days in the hospital, I was sent home with antibiotics. (to be continued tomorrow)


