Some of you know that's familiar with this phrase know that it is biblical. It is something that I truly believe. I don't know why God, in His infinite wisdom, placed such a strong emphasis on speaking things but it is seen throughout the bible. Throughout the whole creation process God spoke things into existence (Genesis 1). The same goes for us. If we have goals, dreams or desires, we can speak them into existence. Professionals will often call this the pygmalion effect or self-fulfilling prophecy. These basically say, for example, that if you tell a child that they are smart, beautiful, or talented then they will be. If you begin to tell that same child that they are stupid, ignorant, or ugly, then they will be. Now of course, that isn't an unconscious death but is the death of positivity in that child's life.
With that being said, why am I so afraid of saying that I'm in a relationship? My first thoughts are to say that it is because I'm not sure if this will really work between him and I. So, I don't want to tell anyone and make it seem like I'm just going through boyfriends like crazy. However, I don't think that this is really the reason. I say this because in some of my past relationships I felt the same way going into it but yet told others. I walked boldly into the relationship. Why haven't I done that for him when he has been more than accommodating and working hard to make this happen? Is it because this one seems like he isn't going anywhere? I mean, he's not going anywhere. I've tried to shake him twice. But getting rid of him is as useless as sweeping the dirt on the ground trying to get rid of the dust, he is still there. Am I one of those people who claim that they want a nice, honest and sincere person but when they come along, they don't want them? Am I scared that this one is too close to being for real? Am I just not ready to give up my single life? By not saying anything about it, acknowledging it and walking in it, am I contributing to the demise of this relationship?
The Power of Life and Death is in the Tongue
Busy Weekend
This last weekend was a total blur but satisfying at the same time. I actually decided to host a dinner at my house on Sunday. I know.... I waited long enough, right!?! Anyway I spent ALL day cleaning and prepping on Saturday to the point that I just about passed out by Saturday night. Went to church on Sunday and then came home to finish cooking. It was just a few of us because I don't think my place is conducive for entertaining a large group but for the six of us was perfect. Germono, Emory, Derrick, Antonio and Edwin came over and we chewed baby. I fixed some jambalaya, sautéed veggies, biscuits, curry goat, beans and peach cobbler. After that we played the Wii, of course. Especially since Antonio bought me another game.... the American Idol game. It was hilarious. If for nothing else to hear Derrick singing "I'm Every Woman" with his bass voice. I felt like an ass later because I totally forgot to take pics and/or vids. Oh well.
Monday we woke up and I fixed some biscuits, sausage, and scrambled eggs with onions, bell peppers and maple cured bacon. Then we went ice skating at the rink a block down from my apartment. It is the first time that I've been skating since my broken ankle and I was pleasantly surprised that it didn't bother me at all. Antonio surprised the hell out of me, he took off like a queen chasing after the last pair of Jimmy Cho's. LOL Here are some pics. The last one if of this little kid that was trying to holla at me at the rink. He couldn't have been no more than like 15 y'all. They just keep getting younger and younger or am I just getting older and older?
We, then, ended the day by going to see the 3-D movie "My Bloody Valentine". I will just say that I was more impressed with the 3D effects. The last time that I went to a 3D movie is when you had that white piece of cardboard with one red and one blue focal. The movies weren't even 3d they were just red and blue versions of the movie. They truly have come a long way. They gave us these modern sunglasses looking thing and it really looked like it was coming out of the screen. My Lord, what a weekend.
What would you do for friends? See below video, I thought it was cute.
Happy New Year
I have been really busy but am very excited in what's going on in my life. There will be more on that to come. But I just had to post a couple of things really fast before heading off to bed. I can't believe it but Antonio bought me a Wii for Christmas. It was soooo unexpected but soooo appreciated. I have been playing it like everyday and have come to realize that it is more of a workout than I thought. The first time I played the boxing, I thought my arms were going to fall off. Thanks Antonio xoxo
Well, until my next serious post, enjoy these (Warning: Strong Language):