I had the busiest day ever last Saturday, but I enjoyed every minute of it. I was with my new boo and we spent the whole day together. We had brunch and then went to the Chelsea Gallery Art Tour. It was the last one for the season and it really had some amazing work. I took pics but they do the work no justice. Even had the chance to talk with one of the artists one-on-one. We exchanged info and I may be doing some work with her. I am excited about it because her work at this gallery was going to $18,000 each baby. You know I'm excited. We then went to Eyebeam and seen one of my friend's interactive oragami work. Here is a little video of Antonio (Boo) playing with it and of one of the pieces from the gallery tour.
We then shot up to the Bronx Pride for a minute and chilled out there. It was deep in the cut but was a really nice park. I was surprised that they had shuttle busses to take everyone back and forth to the train station. The entertainment was cute and was overall a good time.
We then came down and ate at Mama Buddha's in the West Village. While there we got a call from one of Antonio's friends having a party in Brooklyn. So you know we had to go.
At the party there were a huge amount of lesbians there but you know I love my lesbians. But there was this one little boy there that had me cracking up the whole time dancing. He was so into it. He even danced out of his shirt. Do your thang bwoi.
My Weekend
Glad To Be Back
As some of you know, I had to go to Orlando with the company for the Microsoft TechEd Expo. Other than us having to pay our way to be reimbursed, it was nice. The weather was beautiful, other than a little rain here and there and the conference was a lot of fun. The best part for me was that I was going to meet up with my ex-girlfriend who was coming down from Atlanta and we were going to stay a few extra days. That's right, I said ex-girlfriend. No wise cracks. Anyway, her job had to send her to California so we couldn't meet up. I was disappointed because I wanted to go to Universal Studios but as part of the conference they sent to to Universal anyway. On top of that the park was closed off to only the participants and everything, I mean EVERYTHING was free. All of the food, alcohol, rides, snacks, etc. We had a blast and you have to go on the Simpson ride, it was fantastic. Anyway, here are some pics.
The Ballad of Mary Slade - Robin Fuller
This is not really for the squeamish but I found this very interested.
Following the death of a young woman, the tragic story of her life and eventual demise slowly unfolds as the insects that consume her decaying body become actors in the fateful retelling of her downfall.
This was his first short film to be released to film festivals, making it's debut at Slamdance in January 2007
The Bodies Exhibit Exposed
Another post this week but I couldn't resist. I know many of you know about the Bodies Exhibit but for those who don't, it is a fascinating exhibit of preserved, skinless bodies. You are able to see the intricate workings of real human bodies from the inside out. The exhibit, according to the museum, is made up of people who have voluntarily donated their bodies to the exhibit for educational and artistic purposes. More info can be found here.
Anyway, I just read that some people have had problems with the exhibit, claiming that some of the bodies weren't truly donated as posted. According to this report, many of the bodies on exhibit are those of Chinese prisoners that have been tortured or executed. Other bodies are those of the poor, unclaimed or unidentified. It even goes as far as to suggest that there are actually factories that "find" bodies and preserve them for the shows.
I found this disturbing and really hope it not to be true. I have long promoted the show and even talked some of my fellow bloggers into going with me a year or so ago.
I'll Miss You Cathy / Bike Ride For Life?!?
Just to give everyone an update on my friend Cathy, due to health reasons, she is moving to Ohio with relatives until the fall. Cath, you will be missed and I can't wait to see you again. Take care of yourself and be blessed.On another note, a coworker sent this to me and I just had to post from CNN. "A car plowed into a weekend bike race along a highway near the U.S.-Mexico border, killing one and injuring 10 others, police said.
The 28-year-old driver was apparently drunk and fell asleep when he crashed into the race, said police investigator Jose Alfredo Rodriguez.
A photograph taken by a city official showed bicyclists and equipment being hurled high into the air by the collision.
Rodriguez said Juan Campos was charged with killing Alejandro Alvarez, 37, of Monterrey.
Authorities said the wreck happened 15 minutes into the 34-kilometer (21 mile) race Sunday along a highway between Playa Bagdad and Matamoros, across from Brownsville, Texas."